New Zealanders have been active participants in the HL7® FHIR® Project since its beginning, back in 2012. This Page presents some of the known, local implementations and resources…

HL7 FHIR Certified Professionals 

  • Derek Buchanan
  • David Hay
  • Peter Jordan
  • Samantha Burchell 
  • Peter Tang
  • Prashanth Koval
  • Craig Fleming
  • Vincent Cheah

“HL7 FHIR Certification increases the value of the holder to both current and future employers”Geoff Sayer, Managing Director, Medtech Global

Preparing for the FHIR Certification Exam – the experiences of Derek Buchanan

Hay on FHIR Blog – thoughts and comments on FHIR from HL7NZ Chair Emeritus, and FHIR Management Group Co-Chair, David Hay.  A ‘treasure trove’ of implementation advice, accumulated over a number of years, with broad coverage of the FHIR specification.

clinFHIR – Well-established and popular FHIR modelling tool for clinicians and business analysts – developed by HL7NZ Chair Emeritus, David Hay.

Terminz – HL7 New Zealand Terminology, Directory & Conformance Server and Client Test Site. A fully-featured implementation of the FHIR Terminology Services API. Supported Code Systems included SNOMED CT®, NZ Medicines Terminology (NZMT/NZULM) and LOINC. Developed by HL7NZ Secretary Peter Jordan.

Healthpoint API Gateway – FHIR API to this well-established NZ Health Services Directory.

HealthOne – FHIR APIs used as part of a Shared Care Record View of health information that includes GP records, prescribed medications and test results.

Medtech ALEX® API is built on FHIR® and enables the safe and seamless exchange of information in real-time with health care services and third-party applications, helping general practices to give their patients the best care possible.

New Zealand Formulary –  This FHIR Implementation Guide is to support retrieving formulary and medication information in New Zealand. This is part of a project by the NZULM/NZ Formulary to provide the information it produces and collates in a standards-based form.

Medi-Map Integration Platform – A FHIR-based medication management solution.

Sysmex Eclair – A FHIR-based API for RAT results.

Centrik by Webtools provides a fully standards-based digital solution for consumers to engage with their primary care provider. Utilising the HL7 FHIR International Patient Summary (IPS) and resources following the FHIR specification to enable storing and exchanging of patient information, Centrik provides health service providers an interoperable and integrated solution to share patient data quickly and securely. Available to consumers as the Well app on iOS and Android, or as a white label enterprise version, patients can access on demand their International Patient Summary – an international standard of medical data records.

Digital Services Hub (Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora) includes a list of APIs for key health information services, and digital services that support or help use health information and data.

MedicAlert NZ First Responder API IG is the Implementation Guide for the MedicAlert Foundation NZ’s First Responser FHIR API. The First Responser API can be used by approved partners and vendors to retrieve an individual’s summary emergency record held by MedicAlert.

If you have an application that uses HL7 FHIR, contact us as we’d love to add it to this Page.