Category Archive Events

HL7 Australia – FHIR Seminar

 6th and 7th November 2014 hosted by HL7 Australia features both a series of presentations from local and international speakers, and a FHIR connectathon event.

See details in flier PDF below.

One Day FHIR Seminar at University of Auckland on 4 June 2014

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)

One Day Seminar – 4 June 2014, University of Auckland Tamaki Campus

Many of you will be aware that there is a new interoperability standard emerging from HL7 called Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources – or FHIR.   FHIR grew out of a realization by HL7 that while effective, many of the current standards are difficult (and expensive) to implement, particularly when multiple parties are involved. FHIR is unashamedly aimed at the implementer. Based on standard internet technologies rather than health-specific ones yet grounded in all the design work that has gone into current standards, FHIR is generating tremendous interest worldwide – even though it is only 2 years old.

What is of particular interest to New Zealand, is that it fits extremely well with many of the strategies that the National IT Health Board has developed: The use of regional repositories, a Record Locator Service to find information, portals (patient and provider to view/update it) and so forth.   And it has also been designed specifically to support mobile devices – probably the biggest trend in healthcare IT today.

This one day seminar is aimed both at the Decision Maker and the Implementer and is intended to give people the high level information they need about this important new standard which is being implemented worldwide right now and will be hosted by our own Dr. David Hay (who is a co-chair of the HL7 FHIR Management Group) and assisted by local experts:

Alastair Kenworthy – Chief Sector Architect NHITB, Peter Jordan – Solutions Architect, Patients first and Dr Koray Atalag – Researcher, NIHI

The day will cover the following topics and conclude with networking drinks at approx. 4pm:

  • An introduction to FHIR: what is it and why should you care – where is it being used now
  • How does FHIR fit with information modelling
  • What is the relationship between CDA and FHIR
  • Where could FHIR be used in New Zealand, for example:
  • Laboratory information
  • Record Locator
  • NHI lookup

As well as presentations, there will be an opportunity in the afternoon to interact with real FHIR servers so bring your laptop! And this applies to Managers as well as implementers…

Register early to make sure you don’t miss out on this important event.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Kind Regards,

Dr David Hay

Chair, HL7 New Zealand

Co-Chair, FHIR Management Group


Standard                      $150           (includes complimentary membership of HL7 NZ for 1 year)

HL7NZ Members        $125           (current financial members)

Multi Rate                   $125           (per person for 2 or more non-members from the same organization)

Students                      $25             (scan of student ID badge required)

FREE Special Seminar Hosted by the NIHI on 15 April 2014

Clinical Decision Support: Leveraging Health Information Technology Standards to Improve Outcomes

A FREE Special Seminar Hosted by the National Institute for Health InnovationSchool of Population Health15 April 2014

Presented by: Professor Robert Jenders

Co-Director, Center for Biomedical Informatics & Professor of Medicine,

Charles Drew University, Los Angeles, California USA

Professor of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) USA

Attending Staff Physician, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Dr Robert A. Jenders broadly addresses in his research the domain of clinical decision support (CDS), with a focus on knowledge representation and health information technology (HIT) standards in the context of electronic health record systems. A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA, he received his undergraduate degree in computer science from Marquette University; completed his MD degree and did his medical residency at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; earned a master’s degree in computer science at Northeastern University; and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in biomedical informatics at Harvard University and the Massachusetts General Hospital. Outside of his home institutions, Dr. Jenders has served since 1998 as co-chair of the clinical decision support work group of Health Level Seven International (HL7), the principal international standards development organization for health information technology.  

In this talk, Dr. Jenders will survey the state of the art and science regarding HIT standards that are applicable to CDS. In this analysis of the standards landscape, he will emphasize those standards concerning knowledge representation and delivery as well as convey the latest developments regarding these standards and related efforts to develop new standards.

For further information please contact Helen Gu

IHIC 2013

HL7 Australia is honoured to host the 14th International HL7 Interoperability Conference 2013 (IHIC 2013), which will be held on 28th-29th October, 2013 in Sydney, Australia. 

The first Australian FHIR Connectathon will be a feature of the event. 

IHIC promotes world-wide engagement and thought provoking discussion in research and industry application of HL7. Following on from the highly successful IHIC 2012 in Vienna, this annual two-day event brings together implementers, information architects and researchers working on e-health interoperability. 

IHIC conferences promote world-wide engagement and thought-provoking discussion on research into HL7 and related e-health standards and their application in the health industry. Following the highly successful IHIC 2012 in Vienna, this two-day event will bring together implementers, information architects and researchers working on e-health interoperability.

IHIC provides a forum for presentation and discussion of concepts, models, implementations and innovations for interoperable e-health solutions. The conference also aims to facilitate an exchange of knowledge between research, science and the business of health care.  More Info here:

HINZ Conference and Exhibition 7-9 November 2012, Rotorua

Thanks to all those who supported the 2012 HINZ Conference and Exhibition – “Health Informatics into Clinical Practice”, 7-9 November at the Energy Events Centre, Rotorua, New Zealand. Health information and clinical care go hand in hand, and this year we’re looking at the partnership in new ways, showing how mission critical health informatics is in every day clinical care. Hear and participate in innovations and stories from those who are in clinical practice in New Zealand.  Presentations, videos and photos can be found at

Past events HL7 New Zealand has held or sponsored

  • Service Oriented Architecture in Healthcare Seminar, 11 April 2011, Auckland
  • HL7 WGM, January 2011 Sydney
  • HL7 New Zealand Seminar:  The Fundamentals and Implementation of CDA – presented by: Grahame Grieve.  A unique opportunity to take part in a hands on training seminar led by a leading international expert.  Monday 30 and Tuesday 31 August 2010, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Auckland..EVENT NOW SOLD OUT ..[more information].
  • 9th Annual HINZ Conference and Exhibition, 2-4 November 2010, Wellington Town Hall  –
  • HL7 International Standards and Education Meeting, 9-14 January 2011, Sydney  –
  • HL7 NZ members can register for the HL7 Australia CDA Education Forum ( ) at the HL7 Australia members-only rate
  • HL7 New Zealand Annual General Meeting – 3rd November 2010, Wellington Town Hall see attachments for agenda and proxy forms   

August 2012: Clinical Document Architecture hits New Zealand

In August, we will be hosting a seminar on CDA.
The CDA standard is rapidly becoming one of the most important single standards in healthcare. This seminar will be an extension to the highly successful seminar last year by Grahame Grieve, and will be presented by local speakers and focusing on the local CDA standards that are being developed such as GP2GP, ePrescribing and Transfer of Care.

More details to follow

21-22 June 2012: Healthcare Interoperability Pioneer Ed Hammond & openEHR

In conjunction with HINZ we will be hosting a seminar on Electronic Health Records and openEHR and we are proud to announce that we have secured Ed Hammond as the keynote speaker for this event. Ed was one of the initial founders of HL7 and remains one of the most important voices in healthcare standards and interoperability. His keynote is bound to be very illuminating!

 The openEHR section of the event will introduce Archetypes a core component of the National Interoperability Reference Architecture, and an increasingly accepted way of representing health information.   We are grateful to Ocean Informatics for providing one of the leading experts in this field Hugh Leslie – to speak to us. In this session Hugh will walk us through the essentials of modelling, and then jump right into practical examples from Australia and other national programs.   Attending these sessions will be very worthwhile as Hugh will demonstrate how to transform Archetypes into HL7 clinical documents (CDAs)

The 21 June seminar is run in conjuction with HINZ and The University of Auckland and will be held at the Aotea Centre, Auckland.  The Cost for HINZ and HL7NZ (financial) members is $150 and non members $250 (includes one year membership to both HINZ and HL7NZ).  You can register for this event here 

The 22 June tutorial on openEHR is run by HL7NZ and will be held at the University of Auckland Tamaki Campus in Glen Innes.  The cost is $150 for HINZ and HL7NZ (financial) members and non members $250 (includes on year membership to both HINZ and HL7NZ).  This one day tutorial will be presented by two internationally acknowledged openEHR experts – Drs. Hugh and Heather Leslie from Ocean Informatics Pty Ltd.  The tutorial will cover the full continuum of the methodologies described in the New Zealand Reference Architecture for Interoperability – from clinical requirements through modelling to the creation of compliant CDAs automatically.  Attendance at this day will suit anyone who has an interest in Clinical Data Modelling, and how the models created can be used to produce real messages that promote semantic interoperability between Clinical Information Systems. 

Australian CDA and v2 education function

There is a seminar series in Melbourne on wednesday 20 July. Follow this link for details. Note that H:7 New Zealand members will receive the ‘members-only’ rate.

Following this seminar, there is a further seminar that discusses aspects of the PC-EHR implementation. Further details at

SOA Seminar, 11 April 2011 Auckland – note presentation attachment at the base of this page

HL7 New Zealand in association with

and the


SOA – Service Oriented Architecture in Health Care 

11 April 2011, Crowne Plaza, Auckland

Presenter: Ken Rubin, Chief Architect, [US] Federal Healthcare Portfolio, HP Enterprise Services

Co-Chair, OMG Healthcare Domain Task Force; HL7 SOA Workgroup 

HL7 New Zealand, with support and sponsorship from the IT Health Board and Health Informatics New Zealand, are proud to announce that it will be hosting a 1 day seminar on Service Orientated Architecture (SOA) in healthcare in Auckland on Monday 11th April.  The seminar is intended to be an interactive workshop type environment, and is targeted at CIOs, Architects, Analysts and Developers working in the health care space. No prior knowledge of SOA is assumed, but reading material will be supplied to attendees upon registration, and maximum benefit will be gained if these are reviewed prior to the seminar.

The seminar, was presented by Ken Rubin – Chief Architect of the Federal Healthcare Portfolio for HP Enterprise Services in the US.  Primarily focused on enterprise architecture, and electronic health record interoperability, and health informatics, Mr. Rubin has over twenty years of industry experience and ten years of health informatics experience.  He spent seven years leading application architecture EA activities for the Veterans Health Administration, in addition to work he as done for healthcare clients in the UK and Australia.  

Mr. Rubin is very active in the standards community, holding positions as co-chair of the HL7 Service-Oriented Architecture Workgroup, co-chair of the OMG Healthcare Domain Task Force and the Healthcare Service Specification Project (HSSP), and serves as the Enterprise Architect for Open Health Tools, an open-source software community.  

Mr. Rubin frequently guest-lectures at universities in the Baltimore-Washington area, has been published in JAMIA, and contributed to a paper to MedInfo 2010, and authored a book chapter on Healthcare Modeling in Person-Centered Health Records:  Toward HealthePeople, in the Springer-Verlag Medical Informatics Book Series.   Mr. Rubin lives with his wife in a suburb of Washington, DC.