Category Archive Events

HL7 International Standards and Education Meeting, 9-14 January 2011, Sydney Australia

The Australian e-Health community is delighted to host the HL7 International Working Group Meeting 9-14 January 2011!

The HL7 International Standards and Education Meeting will provide the forum for more than 50 Work Groups, Committees and Task Forces to progress the HL7 V2.x, CDA, V3 and EHR Standards.  An extensive range of Courses, Tutorials and Workshops will allow us to hear and learn the very latest developments in EHRs, clinical messaging, terminology, etc. from the global experts and leaders in e-health.

Make plans to support this timely event – it is rare that this high level international event comes to our part of the world!For more information see

Seminar: Fundamentals of CDA & Implementing CDA (30-31 August, Auckland)

Fundamentals of CDA / Implementing CDA 

A practical hands on, international expert driven training seminar
Presented by: Grahame Grieve B.Sc. MAACB.  CTO, Kestral Computing P/L Crowne Plaza Hotel, Auckland (map) – Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st August 2010

COST: $650Sorry this event is now fully subscribed. Contact us at for wait list options.

HL7 New Zealand thanks the following organisations for their support:

Presentation Slides

Update 3 September 2010: This slides from this seminar are now available on SlideShare or as a download below.  

          –> Click here to download the slides from the presentation (15 MB PDF).


HL7 v3 is becoming widely used internationally, especially a variant called the ‘Clinical Document Architecture’. In New Zealand we have used CDA in a number of projects and there is now significant interest in making CDA the national standard for health interoperability for new projects – for example the ‘GP2GP’ project that will move clinical information from one GP system to another will use CDA.

This is a 2 day technical seminar, firmly aimed at those who are – or will be – actively involved in designing, developing, testing, consuming and supporting HL7 v3 messages – especially CDA. We will also touch on other related healthcare standards such as IHE. While no previous knowledge of HL7 is assumed, you should have a technical background, be familiar with XML and the concepts of object orientation. Some background reading on CDA will also be a good idea to get the most from this opportunity!

Day One – What’s it all about!

9.00am         Registration and Coffee

9.30am         Introduction to CDA and it’s eco-system

10.30am         Morning Tea

10.45am        CDA Reference Model

12.30pm         Lunch

1.15pm         Overview of CDA & the specification

3.00pm         Afternoon Tea

3.15pm         CDA Implementation Guides

5pm              Networking Drinks and open question time

Day Two – Implementation Time!

9.00am         Registration and Coffee9.30am         Review of Implementation Approaches

10.30am         Morning Tea

10.45am         Issues in data types (CD, ED, PQ, IVL)

12.30pm         Lunch

1.15pm         Reading and Writing CDA documents safely

3.00pm         Afternoon Tea

3.15pm         Exchanging CDA documents: XDS, mixing v2 & CDA, SOA

4.30pm         Questions

5.00pm         END


Grahame Grieve B.Sc. MAACB.  CTO, Kestral Computing P/L
After working in hospital pathology and clinical research, Grahame Grieve joined Kestral Computing where he is Chief Technical Officer, providing leadership with regard to development methodology, strategic technologies, enterprise architecture, and standards and interoperability.  As part of this work, Grahame has become deeply involved in healthcare SDO’s such as HL7 and ISO, using chair and editorship roles to lead further development and convergence. In addition, Grahame acts as project lead for the Eclipse Open Healthcare Framework and has consulted on standards and tools to the NHS (England), NEHTA (Australia) and Infoway (Canada).

HL7 New Zealand represented at Brazil HL7 WGM meeting

David Hay, Chair of HL7 New Zealand, attended the HL7 working group meeting in Rio de Janeiro in May, 2010.  

Attached below is the presentation given to the affiliate counsel.