2018 “Developers on FHIR” Challenge
HL7 New Zealand in Collaboration with The University of AucklandAnnounce the 2018 “Developers on FHIR” Challenge

Developers on FHIR Challenge Event – 09.00 – 4.30 March 17th, 2018
This must attend, all-day event is the culmination of the HL7NZ Developer on FHIR Challenge 2018 and will take place at the Tamaki Campus of the University of Auckland
This is where you will present your solution to the judging panel. The top three submissions are eligible for prizes!
FHIR masterclass on 17th March. At the beginning of the day, Dr David Hay, one of the founding developers of FHIR and an international expert on it, will be giving a masterclass on how to use FHIR. This is your opportunity to learn the basics of FHIR and ask questions. Read more about the Challenge here >> https://goo.gl/PjWKMg.
We have finalized three judges and I’m excited to tell you about them. Dr David Hay is New Zealand’s leading expert on the HL7® FHIR® standard. He was originally a GP who became interested in interoperability and subsequently became one of the founding developers of FHIR. He is also a member of the HL7 International FHIR Management Group. Dr John Fountain is the Medical Toxicologist of the National Poisons Centre. He has a particular interest in entrepreneurship and creating new solutions. He is an expert in the risks associated with medical care that result in adverse events. Peter Marks is the Manager of Architecture and Standards at the Ministry of Health. He brings international experience in architecture services, business development, and the development of technologies and their implementation to his role as judge.
Register for the Event
To attend the event, make a submission, and be eligible for prizes, you must formally register and accept the terms and conditions of participation.
Many of you have completed the form to express interest in participation, you now need to complete the formal registration form.
All-day Event Agenda and Instructions
Here’s the agenda for the day: Welcome and “state of the nation” with FHIR
— 30 minutesDevelopment session 1 (Teams code solutions)
— 2.5 hoursReview 1 – Feedback, learning and need help
— 30 minutesLunch and NetworkingDevelopment Session 2 (Teams code solutions)
— 2 hoursBreakSolution Pitch
— 1.5 hoursJudges Report and Feedback
— 30 minutesClose Click here for more details of the March 17th Event, including instructions and location >> Participant Instructions
Team Connections
A number of people have expressed interest in being connected to others to form teams. To help this process we have created an online sheet with the contact details of those seeking to connect with others. The online sheet enables you to update your entry to describe your skills, which if you edit and complete will help others identify how you can help them. If you are not listed and want to be included, please add your details to the bottom of the list. You can access this online resource here >> Developers on FHIR Participants Seeking to Join Teams It’s over to you to use this resource to connect with others!
Event Briefing
For further details on the event, its objectives, making a submission, judging criteria, etc see the linked documents below
Event Kick-off Briefing PresentationParticipation Briefing
Need More Information – Go online to see the briefing document, slide deck and other resources (http://www.hl7.org.nz)
(Past updates)
Invitation to Join the Event Kick-off Teleconference – 12 pm Tuesday February 13th, 2018
Instructions for Joining the briefing Webinar at 12 pm on Tuesday February 13th 2018 NZDT
- The meeting is using Skype for Business
- Use the attached meeting invite to save this event in your calendar (It’s from Martin Entwistle HL7NZ Board Member)
- Use this link to access the meeting >> Join HL7NZ Developers on FHIR Challenge Briefing (https://meet.lync.com/enigmackm/ment/6DJWQBVP)
- You will be asked to download the Skype for Business app (if it possible to select the option to join via a web browser)
- All participants should join as a guest (even if you have an existing Skype for Business or Microsoft Account)
- Read the attached Event Briefing to get further background and prepare questions to raise with the event organisers in the Webinar
Follow-up to Briefing Webinar for Participants – December 19, 2017
A successful briefing session for participants in the Developers on FHIR Challenge 2018 was help on December 19, 2017. This page provides information on next steps action points, the Webinar slide-deck and the latest version of the Briefing for Participants document:
There are some next step action points to call-out:
- Summary of Requirements for a Submission – slides 2 – 4 of the deck provide a succinct summary of the requirements for submission. If you have questions or require clarification, please contact us (admin@hl7.org.nz)
- Planning a Submission and Forming Teams – we encourage you to begin planning the solution you would like to develop and submit. Working in teams will help significantly, so think about who you can collaborate with
- Availability of Resources – HL7 NZ through our sponsor, Microsoft, will be making available a range of resources, including a FHIR server, to support development. Watch for more news on these, but we anticipate them being available for free to participants registered for the challenge before the end of January 2018
- Discussion Group – We have established a topic on Zulip for participants to ask questions, make comments and connect with others (http://goo.gl/nwx5a7)
- Plan for the Next Check-in Webinar – The next event in the Challenge series with be a check-in Webinar in early February 2018 . Watch for confirmation of the date!
- Need More Information – Go online to see the briefing document, slide deck and other resources (http://www.hl7.org.nz)
- Have Questions – Need more information or have questions you want answered, email us at admin@hl7.org.nz
- Encourage Others to Participate – Go online and register as a participant (http://www.hl7.org.nz)
- Save the date for the Challenge Event – University of Auckland, March 17, 2018
Want to take part on a fun challenge to create cool apps that directly impact patient care?
Interested to learn how to use the new HL7® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) standard that is taking the world of healthcare information exchange by storm?
This challenge runs from December 2017 to March 2018 and ends in a full day, hands-on event with submitted solutions judged by health sector leaders. Prizes will be awarded for the top three submissions!
If you are an application architect, usability designer, developer or clinician working in the Health and Disability Sector or a student with an active interest in digital healthcare, then this event is for you!
The Board of HL7 New Zealand (HL7NZ), in collaboration with The University of Auckland, is organising “Developers on FHIR” as a fun challenge to create new tools and apps that can directly impact patient care using the new HL7® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) standard that is taking the world of healthcare information exchange by storm.
The proposed “Developers on FHIR” challenge will run from December 2017 to March 2018, culminating in a full day, hands-on face-to face event, hosted by The University of Auckland on Saturday March 17th, 2018, and is being generously supported by Microsoft.
Event Details
Participants will work in teams to develop a client application that utilises a FHIR based-API to tackle a current and important issue directly relating to patient care, the support of clinical care or person-managed health and wellness.
This Challenge will end with a demonstration of the solutions produced to be judged by health sector leaders. We propose to award prizes for the top three submissions!
Who Should Participate
If you are an application architect, usability designer, developer or clinician working in the Health and Disability Sector or a student with an active interest in digital healthcare, then this event is for you!
Please complete our online registration form to register your interest in participation in the Developers on FHIR Challenge.
More Information
Need more information or have questions you want answered, email us at admin@hl7.org.nz.
AGM Monday 6th November 2017, Auckland
The 2017 Annual General Meeting was held at the offices of Sysmex NZ, 386 Manukau Road, Auckland on Monday 6th November at 4 pm. All previous Board Members were re-elected along with two new Members – David Moorhouse (Pegasus Health) and John Carter (Healthlink). At the first meeting of the new Board, held directly afterwards, the following officers were unanimously re-elected: Peter Jordan (Chairman), Peter Sergent (Vice Chairman), Edwin Ng (Treasurer), Linda McKay (Secretary).
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- HL7 Australia & HL7 New Zealand Joint debriefing HL7 WGM New Orleans - 26 May 2023
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- HL7 FHIR Trans-Tasman Connectathon - 27-28 Apr 2022
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- Healthpoint Webinar - 11 Nov 2021
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