HiNZ Conference and Exhibition 2014

HiNZ Conference and Exhibition 2014

Each year, HL7 New Zealand holds a one day workshop as part of the HINZ conference that focuses on the practical use of Standards in New Zealand. This year the theme of the seminar is about mobile applications – particularly consumer based mobile – and the standards required to support them.  We’re especially excited to announce that our guest speaker is Dr Josh Mandel from the Harvard Medical School. Josh is very active in the health standards space, being one of the principal authors of the SMART platform, designed to support a secure ‘app store like’ ecosystem where independently developed applications can access clinical information in health repositories using freely available standards. He has also been involved in the US ’Blue Button’ initiative and is a core team member of the emerging HL7 FHIR standard.  Join us for the one day workshop or attend whole conference.  NOTE: the HL7NZ AGM will held Monday 10th November at 4.30pm, Sky City Convention Centre at the conclusion of the workshop.

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