IHIC 2017 – Athens, Greece
The deadline for submitting scientific full papers or practice reports to IHIC 2017 in Athens is getting closer.Paper submission deadline has been extended to Sunday, June 11th.
HL7: On the Path to Interoperability
By attending this webinar, you’ll learn what steps healthcare providers are taking in building optimized HL7 application environments.
Highlights Include:
- Overview of HL7 standards
- The HL7 role in health data interoperability What you’ll learnHL7 is growing as a wide-ranging solution to the requirement for improved interoperability. But merely conforming to HL7 specifications is not enough to deliver superior ITperformance. This webinar will provide an update through insights into the Standards and explore the steps that healthcare providers are taking in building optimized HL7 application environments.After an insightful update and examination of HL7 from a standards perspective, this educational session will discuss strategies that are working in service assurance. Strategies that will be discussed include building bridges with other departments and assessing business needs. Attendees will learn how HL7 can be leveraged for optimized IT service assurance. During this webinar, you’ll learn:
- Overview of HL7 standards
- The role of HL7 toward achieving health data interoperability
- How they differ and where they’re used
- Insight into how HL7 is evolving, particularly with the rapid adoption of HL7 FHIR Restful services
- How to leverage HL7 to uncover the full context of IT service anomalies across multiple layers which may be contributing to slow application response times and poor user experience in transmitting health information. That is, health information such as administrative and clinical data between hospital information systems could include:
- Reduce time to pinpoint source of interoperability issues
- Troubleshoot network slowdowns rapidly
- Improve analysis of HL7 interoperability services
- Decrease analysis time of message sender and receiver issues
- Learn about the benefits of leveraging IT service assurance technology to achieve benefits for HL7 in healthcare environments:
- Quickly and Efficiently Triage Service Degradations for HL7 and Other Healthcare Applications
- Assure High Quality Patient-care User Experience
- Improve IT Team Collaboration
- Reduce Monitoring and Vendor Management Complexities and CostsREAD MORE
HL7NZ Annual Mid Year Seminar – 29 May 2017
“Igniting Interoperability: Building a NZ Digital Health Ecosystem with HL7® FHIR® and SNOMED CT®”
9am – 4pm Monday 29th May 2017 at Novotel, Auckland Airport MAP
This event is aimed at business analysts, project and product managers, architects and designers from the digital health community. Topics include:
- NZ Digital Health Strategy and updates on the National EHR project (to set the scene on the need for interoperability to be predicated on standards-based APIs)
- The New Zealand Vision for Interoperability Charter.
- The business level case for using FHIR R3 to build standards-based APIs, with bindings to SNOMED CT.
- Challenges in using these standards to achieve true interoperability in the NZ Health & Disability Sector – including testing and compliance, plus lessons learned from existing services such as GP2GP.
- Developing local FHIR artefacts – extensions, identifiers and profiles – in partnership with HISO, following widespread community engagement.
- Common Services – such as Terminology, Provider Directories, etc.
Invited Presenters:
Darren Douglass: Deputy Chief Technology & Digital Services Officer – eHealth, Technology & Digital Services, Ministry of Health
Scott Arrol: Chief Executive Officer and Director – NZHIT
Peter Jordan: Chair HL7 New Zealand
Alastair Kenworthy: Manager Health IT Investment & Standards, Technology & Digital Services, Ministry of Health
- Current corporate members $150
- Current individual members $175
- Standard $250 (includes 1 year individual membership)
- Students $80 (includes 1 year student membership)
- HINZ Member Reciprocal Discount $175 (must be a current member of HINZ)
Fees includes refreshments, lunch and networking drinks function plus free parking in Car Park A
PLUS….at this Event, participate in discussions on breaking international news!
HL7 is pleased to announce that release 3 of FHIR has just been published.
The FHIR community invested a huge amount of work in this release – hundreds of people have contributed to the specification, and there have been thousands of Change Proposals processed (>2400). Most of these change proposals arose from 3 different places:
- Implementation Experience (Trial use is working)
- Alignment with other standards
- Internal Quality Review processes Some of the key changes:
- Added support for Clinical Decision Support and Clinical Quality Measures
- Broadened functionality to cover key clinical workflows
- Further development of Terminology Services, and support for Financial Management
- Defined an RDF format, and how FHIR relates to Linked Data
- Incremental improvements and increased maturity of the RESTful API and conformance framework READ MORE
Connectathon/Showcase events in 2017
IHE Australia and HISA announce a call for expressions of interest from healthcare IT vendors and professional healthcare organisations in New Zealand, Australia and the Asia/Pacific for participation in the Connectathon/Showcase events in 2017.
IHE Connectathons are cross-vendor, live, supervised and structured testing events where medical software industry members test implementations of IHE and other standards profiles. The Connectathon also serves as the pre-requisite development and testing ground for the Interoperability @ HIC 17 Showcase which occurs 6 weeks later. IHE Showcases are practical demonstrations of connectivity using live applications connected over a local network, following a “script” that showcases both vendor capability as well as the value of interoperability to patient care. This event is run in the exhibition hall at the HIC where in the past has reached the majority of conference attendees.
In 2017 a key focus will be medical device connectivity, along with IHE on FHIR, in addition to the full range of IHE and HL7 profiles supporting Health Information Exchange and individual health sector workflow. Kickoff Connectathon/Showcase Webinar Select the date you wish to attend on the GoToMeeting Site)
1. Monday 5th December2016 8am (Eastern Australia) – 4pm Sunday 4th December (Eastern US)
2. Tuesday 6th December 2016 8am (Eastern Australia) – 4pm Monday 5th December (Eastern US)
3. Wednesday 14th December 2016 8am Eastern Australia) – 4pm Tuesday 13th December (Eastern US)
Further information
Tour the virtual Showcase 13
Key dates:
Australian Connectathon 17: 3rd – 7th July 2017 – Adelaide
Interoperablity @ HIC 17Showcase: 6th – 9th August 2017 – Brisbane
IHE Events: Peter MacIsaac admin@ihe.net.au +61 0411403462
SNOMED Expo 2016 – is coming to NZ in October this year
SNOMED Clinical Terminology enables the clear exchange of health information for all. It helps the healthcare professionals to save time, money and lives with its universal, codified, clinical terminology system. The SNOMED CT Expo 2016 is organised by the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) in collaboration with the New Zealand Ministry of Health.
The Expo showcases the latest achievements and cutting edge thinking in semantic interoperability, presented by thought leaders from around the globe. READ MORE Check out the latest info at these links below….
SNApp challenge and resources, including Patients First terminology server
More here from SNApp wrangler Hack Miramar
Finding With FHIR – A Developers Guide to HL7 FHIR
Thank you to those who attended this informative event on 27 June 2016 which featured an international guest presenter Brian Postlethwaite. This event continued with the “FHIR and Ice” theme of our very successful FHIR and SNOMED seminars last year, and was aimed at the developer who wants to ‘get their hands dirty’ by creating and/or interfacing with FHIR APIs. Helping us is one of the international experts in FHIR – Brian Postlethwaite. Brian is a member of the FHIR core team, the FHIR Management Group and a co-chair for the Patient Administration working group in HL7. He is also one of the maintainers of the Open Source c# FHIR library.
Brian has deep experience in a number of areas especially the process around referrals – so we’re making the theme of this event how FHIR can support querying provider and services registries – an essential pre-requisite to sending a referral to the right place.
The programme consisted of:
- FHIR presentations focussing on topics of importance to developers i.e. .the c# library that can be used for both client and server development plus the java library which is designed in a very similar way.
- The practical aspects to consider when building a FHIR Server, and FHIR support of terminologies – especially SNOMED CT.
Presentations can be found at these links and the attachments below.
If you are interested in taking part in an event featuring subject / topics that affect you…let us know admin@hl7.org.nz
Using FHIR for real world problems – recording Allergies & Intolerances
The latest standard from HL7 – Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) – is generating enormous excitement internationally in the Clinical and Health IT communities alike. We have already hosted a number of technically-focussed seminars on FHIR in New Zealand, but this session is also aimed at the clinical user. We will present a background to FHIR profiling in the morning, and then we will have a workshop on a real-world problem in the afternoon – the recording of allergies and intolerances. The clinicians will create FHIR profiles that suit the New Zealand requirements, while the technical folk will work on prototypes that collect and present that information to users.
WHEN: Monday 19 October, full day (as part of the annual HINZ conference and exhibition)
WHERE: Ballroom, Wigram Base
INCLUDES: morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea
COST: $249
HL7 New Zealand Mid-year Seminar: Fire and Ice
FHIR and SNOMED are the new standards for interoperability that promise to help us create a connected health ecosystem for New Zealanders, who are now starting to use patient portals and personal health apps to manage their health and wellness. FHIR and SNOMED are also essential technologies for new mobile clinical apps at a time when models of care are changing rapidly in the face of escalating medical knowledge, consumer expectations and societal change. This seminar held on Friday 24th July built on the foundations of last year’s education on FHIR to deliver a new level of understanding and capability to software practitioners and also offered an update on SNOMED awareness and understanding in the health informatics community ahead of the IHTSDO conference and expo to be held in New Zealand in October 2016. The Board of HL7NZ would like to thank all the presenters and delegates who attended this successful seminar. Just under 100 people gathered at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Auckland for a full day of informative technical and practical sessions on FHIR and SNOMED.
HL7 FHIR resources and SNOMED CT terminology working together will enable us to create a world class connected health ecosystem.FHIR and SNOMED presentations PLUS videos of presentations. Your questions answered. HL7NZ would like to thank Board members Ray Murakami, Dave Fallas and Koray Atalag for assisting with the posting of these important presentations.
First hackathon to foster health solutions
Software developers, healthcare professionals and people with long term health issues such as diabetes, asthma and heart problems, will gather in Auckland to create novel health technology solutions next month.
The Health Hackathon: Solving Self-care is hosted by Health Informatics NZ and The University of Auckland and will be the most significant event of its kind in New Zealand.
According to Wikipedia, a hackathon (also known as a hack day, hackfest or codefest) is an event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, including graphic designers, interface designers and project managers, collaborate intensively on software projects.
However, Health Hackathon: Solving Self-care will focus more personal issues rather than those on computers and networks. In other words, it is aimed for lifting the health of real people. The artefacts we will work will include interoperability projects utilising health IT standards like HL7, SNOMED and openEHR. For more information on this Health Hackathon at Tamaki Innovation Campus, The University of Auckland, February 13 to 15 go to the website, ‘Health Hackathon: Solving Self-care’, or Karen’s blog on the hackathon at Day by Day or chat on Twitter using #hacknz2015.
HiNZ Conference and Exhibition 2014
Each year, HL7 New Zealand holds a one day workshop as part of the HINZ conference that focuses on the practical use of Standards in New Zealand. This year the theme of the seminar is about mobile applications – particularly consumer based mobile – and the standards required to support them. We’re especially excited to announce that our guest speaker is Dr Josh Mandel from the Harvard Medical School. Josh is very active in the health standards space, being one of the principal authors of the SMART platform, designed to support a secure ‘app store like’ ecosystem where independently developed applications can access clinical information in health repositories using freely available standards. He has also been involved in the US ’Blue Button’ initiative and is a core team member of the emerging HL7 FHIR standard. Join us for the one day workshop or attend whole conference. NOTE: the HL7NZ AGM will held Monday 10th November at 4.30pm, Sky City Convention Centre at the conclusion of the workshop.
Recent Posts
Upcoming & Recent Events
- HL7NZ FHIR Implementation Work Group Meeting – Friday 29 November 2024
- Joint HL7 Australia & HL7 New Zealand Webinar – Tuesday 15 October 2024 – (12:00pm NZST)
- HL7 International HAPI FHIR Class 9-11 April 2024
- “Ring of FHIR®” Connectathon 20-22 March 2024
- IPS'athon: NZ Digital Health Week - 27-28 Nov 2023
- HL7 Australia & HL7 New Zealand Joint debriefing HL7 WGM Phenix - 29 September 2023
- HL7 Australia & HL7 New Zealand Joint debriefing HL7 WGM New Orleans - 26 May 2023
- HiNZ Workshop - 6 Dec 2022
- Webtools Dads on FHIR lunchitime webinar - Friday 9 September 2022
- HL7 FHIR Trans-Tasman Connectathon - 27-28 Apr 2022
- HL7 NZ AGM – 18 Nov 2021
- Healthpoint Webinar - 11 Nov 2021
- MoH Webinar - 21 Oct 2021
- HealthOne Webinar - 21 Sept 2021